Patrick A. McCoy

Patrick A. McCoy
Life Strength Power

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Breakfast cereal, the most important staple of any diet

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast cereal is the most important food of that meal. However the choice of this cereal is very important.

A little history of breakfast cereal. In the late 19th century of the United States, there was a large movement of vegetarianism. Among those inspired by the movement were Dr. James Caleb Jackson, creator of Granula. John Harvey Kellogg, who created two breakfast cereals, Granola, and Wheat Flakes. His brother, Will Keith Kellog created Corn Flakes. Charles William Post, creator of Grape-Nuts

During this time, the traditional western breakfast was eggs, bacon, sausage, pork and beef. This was causing health issues such as gout, hypertension, obesity, gastrointestinal disorders, heart disease to name a few. Though the science has later found the improvement of the gastrointestesinal system is through the consumption of fiber, these vegetarians found that by replacing the high fatty meat breakfast with one made with whole grains greatly improved intestinal health.

America has forgotten the innovations of breakfast and the improvement health, by going back to the same unhealthy breakfast health. Most cereals now are loaded with sugar with very low fiber content. As a result, the majority of Americans are obese, and have the same kinds of disease that plagued us in the 19th century.

What can be easier than a bowl of cereal at breakfast? Even those who are lactose intolerant have the choice of lactose free milk, as well as the equally healthy rice and almond milk (due to the problems arising from soy causing hormone imbalances, I do not endorse soy milk as a healthy food). The ingestion of a high fiber breakfast has been shown to improve overall digestion, lowering cholesterol, and promoting bowel movement regularity.

The choice of breakfast cereal is important, it must be whole grain, and with the highest fiber content possible. It is recommended for a healthy bowel to have 20-35 grams of fiber a day. I would recommend the oldest cereals, being grape-nuts, granola, and wheat or corn flakes. As always, look for the lower cost store brands. Avoid anything loaded with sugar. Men's Health's best healthy cereal is Post Spoon Size Shredded Wheat. It contains one ingredient: whole-grain wheat. and per cup, 170 calories, 6grams of protein, 40grams carbs, 6grams of fiber, and 1 gram of fat.

Another important tip with cereals is to make sure you are having the proper serving, which is usually 1/2 cup to 1 cup. If you think the calorie count is low for breakfast, it is. Ever wonder what 'part of your complete breakfast' is? Add a piece of fruit, a hard boiled egg, a serving of non fat yogurt or cottage cheese, and you have a complete breakfast.

It is important to know what your calorie count should be and make sure you have a third of your daily requirement at breakfast. Part of my services as Fitness and Combat Trainer includes a nutrition plan, which gives you your proper calorie count for your fitness goals.

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