Patrick A. McCoy

Patrick A. McCoy
Life Strength Power

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I have been tracking my fitness on take a look, I'm off to a good start. Going to the gym today after a 72 hour recovery. It was the first time I went away from the weight machines and nautilus machines and went all free weights. Free weights are the best way to build stability, but I had used new muscles that needed more recovery. I want to try to put ten more pounds on all my sets, 10 reps 3 sets. Currently they are:

90lb squats

90lb deadlifts

90lb shoulder press

130 bench press

60lb barbell curls

I'm also alternating 20 minute treadmill run for cardio, one 5 mph tempo, one interval. the tempo was a little too easy, so I'm going to add a 5% incline.

Some good news, my physical training regime greatly corrected my knock knees. 15 years of doctors telling me I needed surgery and eventual knee replacement, and all I needed was a physical therapy regime. If only I had the motivation to become a Fitness Trainer 15 years ago :-p

The problem now, is the Fulkerson Osteotomy  I had in 1998. This was performed due to an issue with a uniquely shaped knee joint causing patellofemoral pain syndrome. Although the procedure was performed correctly and I have completely healed and in fact have a superior knee, the presence of the titanium bolts are holding up my enlistment into the Navy. Though I am able to enlist with a knee waiver this will take time.

The irony is, if I hadn't gone to a doctor in the first place, and just followed the common sense of eating healthy and exercising, I would have been a successful college educated USMC Officer. Ah well, I'm not going to think about what could have been, just what needs to happen.

In other news, I qualified for $3500 from the Pell grant to go to college, and with student loans will be able to be a full time student. I applied to Mt SAC's Associates degree with an emphasis in Kinesiology and Wellness for the Fall of 2010. Just have to get by till then.

I contacted AAAI/ISMA regarding the Personal Fitness Trainer certification I took on 3/20. I passed. I should have my certificate on monday, then I can start applying to gyms for employment. In the meantime. I provide 1 year of online Fitness and Combat Training for $50, in person Fitness and Combat Training for $50 a session.

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