Patrick A. McCoy

Patrick A. McCoy
Life Strength Power

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Everyone who is interested in fitness has heard the supplement creatine and has also heard many different and even contradictory statements about it. This article I hope will serve in answering your questions regarding creatine and whether or not you should add this supplement to your diet.


Creatine or (α-Methylguanido)acetic acid is naturally produced in the body from the amino acids L-arginine, glycine, and L-methionine primarily in the liver and kidneys. Creatine helps supply energy to all the cells of the body, particularly the muscles, by increasing Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is an energy carrier essential to metabolism. Creatine also draws and retains water into the muscles.


Creatine primarily is used to increase lean muscle mass, which is accomplished in several ways. As creatine increases ATP in the body, more energy is carried to the muscles, allowing you to exercise with higher intensity and duration. As creatine draws and retains water into the muscles, it increases cell activity and allows muscles to heal faster. Additionally studies have shown increased I.Q. with the usage of creatine.


The consumption of creatine as a supplement may cause issue with asthmatics and also those with specific allergens. Those with renal, kidney, or liver disease should limit their intake of creatine. Diabetics and hypoglycemics should also limit intake, and also discuss with your doctor before going on a regimen of creatine


Creatine is widely available in many bodybuilding supplements, and as a standalone supplement in liquid, capsule, or powder form. There are also several different forms of creatine; as monohydrate, phosphate, and ethyl ester. All forms have differences on how they are absorbed into the body, but essentially do the same thing. Creatine is naturally occurring in red meats and fish.

Creatine is extremely helpful in increasing muscle mass and energy to the cells, two essential components in health and fitness. Like any supplement however, one should first test its usefulness to your body. Some people have complained creatine supplements give them a bloated feeling, others don’t feel the difference whether or not they take supplements. I personally recommend my clients take creatine on their exercise days, it is included in my shake supplements and also part of my custom diet program. Creatine allows the muscles to excel while reducing recovery time, essentials of my exercise program.

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