Patrick A. McCoy

Patrick A. McCoy
Life Strength Power

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Daily Supplement Stack for Optimum Health

The USDA has established guidelines for required vitamins in your diet. Optimally you should be able to get all the vitamins and nutrients you need from the food you eat. However most foods available today have had most of the nutrients processed out of them and most people do not eat enough nutrient foods. To help bridge the nutrient deficiency most people suffer in their daily lives, I give you daily supplements you should be taking for optimum health. Your needs vary based on age and physical condition as well as your activity level, but this should be your basal minimum.

Daily Multivitamin

Your basic daily multivitamin should contain the essential vitamins your body requires. I really don’t recommend one over the other, I will just get whatever is on sale or buy one get one free to save money. Most of the active formula/weight loss/etc. specialty multivitamins will just add an extra herbal supplement or B vitamin that really have no clinical data supporting the claims. They may be beneficial but really just stick to your basic multivitamin.

Calcium Magnesium and Zinc

These good as a combination as they are related to bone health, the individual effects I will explain below.


The body is unable to produce this nutrient on its own, and must be supplemented. It is the primary component in bone and teeth, and is essential for hard bone production. Bones not only provide structure and protection for your organs, but red and white blood cells are also created in the long bones. Additionally calcium helps develop nerve tissue, and aids in hormone secretion and neural impulses


Like calcium, magnesium is stored in the bones and is necessary for calcium absorption. Along with calcium, magnesium maintains healthy muscle, nerve function and blood pressure. Magnesium also regulates heartbeat and blood sugar levels, and supports the immune system.


This nutrient does not store in the body and needs to be replenished daily. Zinc aids in enzymatic actions and increases mineral absorption and retention, as well as boosting physical immunity, cell division, metabolism. Zinc is also essential in protein and DNA synthesis.


This nutrient is very helpful in supporting the skin, nerves, digestive tract, metabolism, and cells. A general super vitamin so to speak, I discovered this vitamin about a decade ago and found it helps keep me young looking and gives me an edge in weight loss support and wound healing.

Fish Oil

First thing you will think of will be the Omega-3 fatty acids. This is of course a good supply of one of the essential fatty acids, and also needed to balance Omega-6, another essential fatty acid. Fish oil is also the best source of DHA and EPA, components of a healthy heart, and studies have shown low levels of DHA and EPA contribute to heart disease. In fact fish oil is the only supplement the American Heart Association endorses. Additionally Fish oil has shown to lower triglycerides and increase HDL good cholesterol. Fish oil also good for inflammation, arthritis, vision, and mental health issues such as Alzheimer’s, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

Glucosamine Sulfate

Glucosamine is a building block of cartilage, the tissue that allows the bones to glide along the joint. There is no way to rebuild genesis cartilage unless by injecting stem cells directly into the joint. However the body will create scar cartilage and glucosamine is necessary to facilitate the creation of scar cartilage.

By incorporating these supplements into your diet, you will have improved health and wellbeing, feel better, perform better, and look better.


  1. Chances are the calcium supplement you are taking now is a rock source of calcium. The label will say "calcium carbonate", which is nothing more than limestone. AlgaeCal Plus contains an organic, plant-sourced calcium form derived from a unique South American marine algae called Algas Calcareas™.

  2. Not only is Jack just a stupid spammer, but he and his calcium peddlers are just preying on the ignorant as well.

    The body doesn't care where the calcium comes from, it will absorb and utilize the calcium whether it's from crystalline rock, plants, dairy products, or bonemeal.

    Contrary to the liars over at AlgaeCal, the intestinal absorption of calcium citrate and calcium carbonate is the same except when there is no acid in the stomach

    There are different absorption rates of any calcium product, from 33-75% depending on quality.

    If you want to spend a $1 a pill for these charlatans, that's your money to waste, but there are lesser expensive alternatives that doesn't break the bank based on lies and deception.

    Supplements are meant to be just that, you should still be trying to get as much nutrients from your food as you can.


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