Patrick A. McCoy

Patrick A. McCoy
Life Strength Power

Friday, March 4, 2011

High Intensity Exercise Increases Brain Power

A 2oo8 issue of the FASEB Journal titled “Lactate fuels the human brain during exercise” researchers found the brain utilizes lactate rather than glucose to work faster.

During high intensity exercise, the enzyme lactate is produced. A buildup of lactate was at one time thought to lead to acidosis, which is the leading cause of muscle fatigue and soreness. This however is not true, and the buildup of lactate has beneficial effects including cellular respiration (getting oxygen to the cells) gluconeogenisis (converting adipose or fat stores into glucose for energy) and providing fuel for the brain.

In summation, high intensity exercise makes you lose weight, makes cells healthier, and makes you smarter. Looking for sources of high intensity exercise? Consider buying a year online training from me, I provide some of the best high intensity workouts designed to blast fat and improve stamina.

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